White Glove Service!
The month of December is a blur to me. Between my business and personal life I felt like I was on a roller coaster all month long. 🔸 As many of you already know, my beloved daughter Desiree delivered two beautiful baby boys on December 5, more than three months before their due date. She and her husband Tony named them Noah & Luke. They were teeny tiny at birth but miraculously healthy. They were placed in NICU where they remain today. They are gaining weight and getting stronger and stronger every day. I am in awe of God's goodness. I am over the moon in love with both of them. 🔸 I also had a lot of health issues at the end of 2019. I had knee surgery in October that hasn't fully healed to this day. I am still limping around. The inflammation around my knee caused a flare up on this crazy autoimmune disease (Sjogren's Syndrome) that attacks my body. It interfered with my business, my life and my Christmas. My prayer for 2020 for me and my family was GOOD HEALTH!! And God is answering me again. I am feeling so much better. 🔸 December is always my busiest month of the year. My Christmas mini sessions were so much fun. I had the best people in my studio all month long! And my boutique had record sales!! It was a wonderful month professionally. I LOVE my new studio!! 🔸 I have used January to plan my 2020. My 2020 mantra for my business is "White Glove Service". I have always strived to go above and beyond for my clients and in 2020 I want to exceed all expectations with premium services. I want my clients to feel pampered and very well taken care of. My business has never been about getting rich. It has always been about doing what I love and getting to meet amazing people along the way. I have always used Annie Leibovitz's quote "A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people." All of my clients have a very special place in my heart. 🔸 I also am beginning 2020 with a grateful heart. I am so blessed. I pray that 2020 be the best year ever for me and you. I am so grateful for you - my family, friends and clients. Let me know how I can best serve you in this new year, new decade!! Onward bound!!