You may recognize Marcus & Ashlyn, they have been my clients, friends and supporters for a while now. They shop from my boutique all the time - Marcus LOVES my Laurel Botanicals Beard Oil & Charcoal Body Scrub. Ashlyn just loves jewelry! I also did a Treasure The Dress photo shoot with them last fall.
Marcus and Ashlyn recently celebrated their one year anniversary and documented the occasion with a photo shoot. They brought their top cake layer which was in the freezer for the last year. Yay it tasted good! They were adorable in their first outfit and then they went all out in formal wear for the second half of their session.
They are the sweetest couple and always fun to be around. Marcus always looks at Ashlyn like he just adores her. I don't think there is anything he won't do for her. And Ashlyn just sparkles when she talks and when she smiles. They are just adorable.
I can't say THANK YOU enough to the two of them. They are so loyal and kind to me - I couldn't ask for better friends. Love you guys and wish you an eternity of love!!