Hello September!
Hello September! Hello Friends! Wow! Did Summer go fast or what??? Don't know who noticed, but I didn't send out an August newsletter....

Hello July!
The first month of summer is now behind us! I have been having a blast enjoying my new puppy Sparkle and my granddaughters. We have...

And Just Like That - It's June!
And just like that - it's June! Where did May go? May is a long month and yet it came and went like the wind. It has been a whirlwind...

April Newsletter!
Welcome Springtime!! Hello April!! What crazy weather we have had! 46 degrees in April? Whaaattt? My Newsletter is a little late...

March Newsletter
Hello my friends! It's March! We are on the fast track to spring and I am especially excited about the time change on March 11! I'm...

It's the Month of Love! | February Newsletter
Bonjour! It's the month of Love! I love the month of February! It's the month of my son's birthday and it's also the month of L-O-V-E! ...

December Newsletter - It's the Best Time of the Year!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! At least that's what they tell us right? Truth is - it's the most crazy time of the year! I...

November Newsletter
Is it November already? Where did October go? It was a blur to me - although I do remember a few days of cooler weather, even if they...