Wedding Chat with Sande | Changing your Name after the Wedding
Women are so independent. They have careers, they are beautiful, intelligent and strong (throw your hands up at me!). So the first thing they have to decide when getting married is if they are even going to change their name!
When I first got married (a very very long time ago), I seem to remember going to the Social Security Office, the driver's license office and the bank to change my last name. That's it. I was done. Now I look at these checklist's and there is so much more! My goodness!!
My daughter lives in Houston and after she got married, she came back to Victoria to go to the Social Security and drivers license office. She didn't want to deal with all that crazy in Houston. And of course she dragged me with her to keep her entertained while she waited. We ended up having a fun day doing this task.
But it is a task for sure. Below is a checklist to help you get it all. Remember, before you can change your name, you'll need the original (or certified) marriage license with the raised seal and your new last name on it. Your county clerk should be able to provide that for you.
Probably the most complicated is changing your Social Security number. This is a link the form if you want to save a little time and fill it out before you go: When you go, you will need the following:
Proof of Citizenship: your valid passport or a certified copy of your birth certificate. /react-text
react-text: 210 Proof of Name Change: a certified copy of your marriage license. (You will most likely get this back, so you can use it again!) /react-text
react-text: 213 Proof of Identity: this must show your name, date of birth or age, and have a recent photograph. That could be a valid driver's license, your valid passport, a valid state-issued identification card, or a U.S. Military identification card. /react-text
react-text: 216 Your current Social Security card. You will keep the same number when your card is replaced.
Next go to the DMV to update your driver's license. Here is what they will require:
Your receipt from the Social Security office (just in case!) or your new Social Security card if you already have it. /react-text
react-text: 234 Your current driver's license. /react-text
react-text: 237 Proof of address, if required in your state. This could be your lease or mortgage documents, insurance documents, or a bill or bank statement that is mailed to your home address. /react-text
react-text: 240 A certified copy of your marriage license (which, again, you will most likely get back). /react-text
react-text: 243 Your checkbook or cash: most DMVs charge a credit card processing fee, so you'll save money by paying with cash or a check
Getting a new passport must be done by mail. Here is the link for that:
Those are the most important ones to start with. Oh and remember If you're blending or creating a new name (example - using a hypen and making your last name your middle name), you'll have to petition the court. The laws vary by state, but you'll file for a court order, most likely from the county clerk.

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