We Survived Summer 2016
School ended just as I was coming out of the busiest seasons of my photography career. 4 back-to-back Weddings and several photo shoots. For the first time, I was going to be keeping my granddaughters the entire summer.
We were all excited because we had a Disney trip planned. For me, that was exciting but also added some stress. I had so much editing to do! I had 4 brides who were anxiously awaiting their photos! And I had two little girls who I wanted to spend time with. Two little girls who are accustomed to time with grandma meaning fun. Every morning they arrived with great expectations - "what are we doing today Grandma?"
I tried to proceed with balance. Of course I didn't make every day fun for my babies. I had to work. I had to get this editing done. But I also took time off to take them to movies, to the library, to many excursions. They also were dragged along with me to photo shoots and appointments.
Some days were challenging. But when I got frustrated, I had to stop and remind myself what a blessing and privilege it is that I get to keep them at all! My own kids were latchkey kids because I always had to work. I get sad when I think of that. But I choose not to dwell on the past but be happy that my life is so blessed. My grandchildren are so blessed. But I have to be honest. By August, I was weary of "what are we doing today Grandma?" "what's our project today Grandma?". But time flies and today I watched as they returned to school. I am back in front of my computer with my coffee. My TV is again on the TBN network instead of the Cartoon network. I am so thankful to my God for giving me this incredible life and these two little gifts whom I love with all my heart. And I am thankful for this career path I have chosen that allows me to do it all.