Benefits of Activated Charcoal for your Skin
I only recently discovered Activated Charcoal and I can't get enough of it!! What is activated charcoal? According to Wikipedia - "activated charcoal, is a form of carbon processed to have small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions." Yada Yada Yada.
Let's skip that and head to the benefits. I am using it currently in my Laurel Botanicals Body Scrub and am thrilled with the results on my skin! Activated charcoal draws bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro-particles to the surface of skin, helping you to achieve a flawless complexion and fight acne. After a good scrub, your skin feels cleaner, looks brighter and is super duper soft. I cover my face with it and let it sit while I finish my shower. I even cover my lips with it. Its a wonderful detox for my skin. At the end of the shower I wash it off and it removes the dirt from my pores and leaves my face soft and bright. It's wonderful for my feet - especially my alligator heels and ankles!! I promise you - my feet are so soft that I have caught myself sliding when walking barefoot in the house! LOL!
One drawback is that because it does soak into your pores, it isn't the easiest to rinse off. I use the scrub first and then use my pouf (don't use your white Pottery Barn washcloth!!) with my favorite soap and wash it off. I don't scrub it off real hard on my face - I wait until I get out of the shower then I put a generous layer of face cream (I make my own but you could use an inexpensive one like Ponds Cold Cream) and then wipe it off using make up remover on a pad.
Activated Charcoal draws all the oil out of your skin so I only use it once or twice a week and moisturize immediately after each use. I love the results and so will you!!