Cutest pups EVER
This has to be one of the most fun photo shoots I've ever done! Karen raises, trains and shows Samoyed dogs and she had 6 new adorable puppies. When I was invited to come photograph them I was sooooo excited.
We were scheduled for this photo shoot on Sunday so I brought my two granddaughters and my daughter-in-love Jessica with me. When we arrived, Karen took us to their wing of the house. Ok, a wing may not quite be the right word but room just didn't seem to properly describe it. Karen's dogs have a very large space in her house, each with their own stalls, a large bathing area, room on the walls for all their trophies and air conditioning running at 65 degrees. When we came to the stall with the 6 week old puppies we all immediately fell in love! These were the cutest white fur balls I have ever met in my life!
We were each given one or two puppies to carry so we could take them outside for their photo shoot. Karen identifies which puppy is which by the color of their collar. We went out to Karen's beautiful property and the fun began. These puppies LOVED romping around in the grass. My granddaughters laid in the grass and the puppies jumped all over them causing lots of delighted giggles. They weren't the only ones giggling -- Karen was also sitting in the grass loving every minute with her furbabies. What a wonderful person she is.
We got pictures of these sweet furballs for Karen and I also was able to capture some pretty fun pictures of my granddaughters as well. My girls and I were so sad when it was time to leave this beautiful place with the most adorable puppies ever! Thank you so much Karen for inviting us to capture this small moment in time!